Revolution Data Systems

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Beyond the Money

Whenever we decided to form Revolution Data Systems, we did so with a mindset focused on others—other people, customers, partners and most importantly family.  Don’t get me wrong, we have to make money to keep the whole thing going. Our organization has its fair share of expenses like any other.  The never ending technology, travel and insurance expenses compounded by the outrageous cost of coffee is enough to frustrate any organization’s cash flow statement.

We exist for a greater purpose than to solely produce income for individuals.  An unbelievable CEO and friend within the industry once told me that money is like oxygen to a business; you can’t live without it, but you don’t exist because of it.  That statement has stuck with me. It exists to unify people and build relationships in order to provide an avenue for helping others.  Helping others is what we do for a living, and frankly—it’s fun.

The organization spent most of last Monday at the local food bank preparing meals for the needy.  The sense of comradery, relationship building and helping of others is very emotionally satisfying.  Taking the time to sort through thousands of pounds of corn, green beans and turkey broth is not the most exhilarating of activities. Looking across the warehouse and seeing humans helping humans is.

As we break for the holiday season and focus on our blessings I am going to remember the importance of relationships, helping others and why our organization exists.  I sincerely look forward to our next service project.  “Beyond the money” is a mantra that will always exist in our organization and provide guidance in a world that could use a little clarity.