Revolution Data Systems

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Back-office BPO services for heavy equipment dealers

For NFL teams, quarterbacks and skill players receive all the fame and glory. Without the coordinators, strength coaches, nutritionists, and other staffers, the stars couldn’t function. These important roles make up the NFL’s Back Office. 

The back office for heavy equipment dealers is where the planning, support, and “dirty” work is done. Front office personnel are the face of the company responsible for sales and interactions with clients. Although back-office services aren’t as visible to outsiders, they are imperative to your dealership’s success. They include functions like accounting, planning, procurement, inventory management, and human resources. 

Many dealers are turning to BPO service providers to outsource key back-office functions so their stars can shine even brighter. 

What is a BPO company?

A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company is a third-party company that specializes in business functions that can be leveraged to help organizations free up internal resources and focus on their core competencies.

BPO companies can be used for single projects like converting a backfile of paper records or subbed in full-time to handle a business function like invoice processing. 

Outsourcing is becoming more prevalent across many industries as businesses want to focus their time and resources on mission-critical tasks. When companies outsource, their non-core business tasks are handled by skilled professionals. Transferring these tasks to the right vendor frees up time, money, and personnel.

Back-Office BPO Services for equipment dealers:

Outsourcing parts or all of your back-office processes can drastically increase your bottom line and improve your office operations and customer satisfaction. Here are several functions that you can rely on our decades of experience to handle. 

Bulk document scanning:

Revolution Data Systems uses a fleet of high-speed scanners and experienced operators to scan any document type in any format. Our quality control program is unparalleled. Every digital image is viewed by a separate operator so that you can rest assured knowing all of the images you receive from us are usable.

How our document scanning services work:

Easy! Place your documents in a file box provided by Revolution Data Systems and we’ll handle the rest. Documents are shipped to our secure facility for processing. We provide digital access to your documents as needed. If you need a file that hasn’t been scanned yet, you can request it and we’ll pull, scan and make it digitally available to you in less than an hour. We can scan your backfile of paper and your day-forward documents as well. 

Some of the document types we have processed for dealers include: 

  • Journal Entries

  • P-cards

  • Sales Orders

  • Service History

  • Invoices (AP & AR) 

  • Remittances

  • Large-format drawings

  • Rental Agreements

  • HR files

  • Contracts

Outsourced Invoice processing:

Capturing invoices at their source and putting them in the hands of decision-makers sounds easy enough. Many organizations have multiple FTEs handling this manual process, using valuable time and human capital. For dealers looking to be lean and mean, you can transfer this entire workload to us, and save a boatload of cash!

How our invoice processing service work:

It starts with capturing your incoming vendor invoices. No matter the source-mail, fax, or email-each invoice is uploaded to your system, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

We can also fully manage the entire invoice process. We receive invoices, capture and extract key data, and handle exceptions. Each AP department is unique. We tailor a solution to fit your requirements.

Digital mailroom/PO Box scanning: 

A high-volume mailroom is expensive to maintain and a source of process slowdowns for dealers. A digital mailroom gathers incoming physical mail and converts it to an electronic format for instant access to users. Once the mail is no longer in paper format, departments can realize immediate gains. Accounts Payable departments keep better track of financial documents. Approvals happen faster, bills are paid on time, and early payment discounts start happening.

How our digital mailroom works:

We set up a dedicated email and PO box for your mail. Mail is picked up daily and sorted. We import or scan and index each piece of mail based on your requirements. Digital images are then uploaded to your system or transferred securely via SFTP. 

Revolution Data Systems - your back-office BPO provider

Revolution Data Systems has been subbed in by companies across the US to unstick stuck processes for decades. You can rely on us to provide rapid, cost-effective results that are easy to plug into your operations. 

Do you have questions about our BPO services? Contact us today for a free consultation to see how we can help your team move the ball down the field.