Mailroom Outsourcing Services: What’s the Future of Physical Mail in a Remote Work World?

Mailroom outsourcing service

There are a million tasks that fall on your plate every day. You manage your team, answer questions, put together reports, outsource your IT to secure against outside attacks, and install checks and balances to protect against internal fraud. You’re always looking for ways to streamline workflows and make processes more efficient. 

But there’s one area where companies lag behind other departments and processes - the mailroom. 

Digital mailrooms aren’t actually rooms. The term “digital mailroom” describes a mailroom outsourcing service where paper mail heading your way gets routed at the post office to a high-tech scanning facility. Once there, like magic, your mail converts from paper into digital images and flows into your document management system.

One of the biggest gains you can make in 2021 is to convert your physical mailroom into a digital mailroom—saving both time and money.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a third-party company out there who could take that responsibility off your shoulders? What if you had a partner you could trust to handle all your incoming mail and digitize it for you, feeding it into your system the moment it entered your building? By outsourcing your mailroom, you could ditch large and costly storage systems, save thousands of hours by no longer handling mail manually, and focus staff productivity on higher-value tasks in your workplace. Sounds pretty awesome, right?

Revolution Data Systems is that third-party partner. We take mailroom outsourcing services seriously. Your incoming mail is routed to our facility or picked up from yours, where high-production scanners capture, extract, index, and flow your digital mail into your processes. We work with you to seamlessly integrate the captured data for document workflow processing. 

Don’t have a reliable document management system? No worries. Ask us to set you up with OpenText Application Content Management.  

Why Should You Use a Mailroom Outsourcing Service?

Transforming your physical mailroom into a virtual mailroom is a massive step toward going completely paperless and getting important information to your workers anywhere, anytime, and from any device.

There are companies out there that haven't yet made the transition to digital—so know that you’re not alone. 40 percent of companies still use paper checks to pay vendors and still use traditional mail to deliver those paper payments. But the pandemic accelerated connectivity with banks and FinTechs so more companies are making a shift toward cloud-based workflows and digital payments—including digital mailrooms.

While many businesses still use manual mailrooms, the statistics show that digitizing mailrooms increases productivity and profitability while cutting costs. According to a recent study from the Harvard Business School, companies that transitioned to fully digital technology saw 55% growth in gross margins while companies that did not fully transition showed only 37% growth in the same period.

Over the last five years, we’ve seen a 44% increase in remote work, creating an even higher demand for outsourced digital mailroom services. Eliminating internal mailrooms means eliminating expensive filing cabinets that take up too much of your office space. It also means there are fewer manual touchpoints that expose your mail to human error—even fraud—and time spent tracking down important documents from a physical filing system.

How Does Mailroom Outsourcing Work?

In a traditional mailroom, a piece of mail—perhaps an invoice or a check—comes into your physical mailroom. It’s picked up by a mail-handling employee, who manually scans and copies the document. Then, the copies are handed off to another employee to distribute, and the originals are filed and stored.

A digital mailroom takes all of that hassle right out of the equation. When you outsource your mailroom to Revolution Data Systems, our collective teams collaborate on your business rules to map out the best route for your mail to take. These rules can be as simple as setting up a repository for a single user to access a daily digest of scanned mail or as complex as automating invoice processing from start to finish. 

Once these rules are set, we receive your incoming mail directly or pick it up from your facility. Then, we open it and feed it into production scanners. 

Our scanning system carefully captures all data with intelligent capture software and integrates your digital mailroom with applications that you already use like ERPs, accounting software, CRMs, HR systems, and other systems that you have deployed.

You don’t have to rifle through filing cabinets for those invoices you need to reference. Now it only takes a few clicks (or swipes on a smartphone) to pull up the information you need.

Once your mail is scanned into the system, you’ll also have a digital audit trail so you can track everything from approvals to payments. You’ll know exactly who is handling what at what time, putting you back in the driver’s seat over your incoming mail.

  • No more missed or double-filled invoices. 

  • No more lost purchase orders or membership applications. 

  • Gone are the days of missing legal documents and appeals communications. 

  • Your checks can be routed directly to your accounting system for deposits. 

With Revolution Data Systems, your mailroom is safe, secure, organized, and fast! 

Ready to Get Started?

By handing over the responsibility of incoming mail to our team at Revolution Data Systems, you and your employees are free to use your time more productively. Remember all those people who had to interact with each piece of incoming mail? With our mailroom outsourcing services, they’re in the clear to create incredible growth for your company. 

If you’re ready to make the leap and transform into the most productive and profitable version of your company, reach out to us today by filling out the contact form below. Or, if you prefer, you can give us a call at (985) 888-0091.

We’re so excited you’re considering making the switch to outsourcing your mailroom, and we look forward to being your trusted partner. At Revolution Data Systems, we’re dedicated to providing you with high-quality software solutions to your workplace problems, and we’re confident we can make mailroom headaches a thing of the past.