Tips On How To Evaluate A Secure Scanning Solution For Your Business

secure scanning solution

Your business data and documents are your company's most valuable assets, and they must be secured to ensure business success. 

Often your competitive advantage lies in customer records, budgetary information or even in data about your employee efficiencies. This data may be in the form of paper documents filed away in storage cabinets, on your local servers, on the cloud or with your document scanning service provider. 

Where is your most valuable business information currently stored? Is it in offsite storage areas, stashed away in innumerable rows of filing cabinets? Is it on local servers in your office premises? Or on cloud servers?

Secure scanning solutions to safeguard valuable documents

Remember that paper files are not as secure as digital documents. 

They are vulnerable to theft, can easily get misplaced or lost, and are prone to wear-and-tear and loss due to natural disasters like floods or fire. In addition, the hybrid workplace demands that IT departments digitize documents used in everyday business transactions and make them remotely accessible to a distributed workforce.

Digitizing physical documents and converting them into easily shareable electronic forms is vital for businesses today. Whether you store your documents in a content management system or in offsite storage facilities, you need to mitigate the risks of potential data loss. 

Here are some tips on digitizing business documents keeping security and accessibility in mind:

#1 Work with a reputable document scanning company

An easy way to digitize documents is to give your employees a desktop scanner—right? Not really! Manually scanning documents inevitably poses security risks and is a highly inefficient way of digitizing valuable business data. Instead, work with a professional scanning solutions vendor who provides 

secure and reliable digitization.

Revolution Data Systems offers secure scanning solutions to business enterprises, educational institutions, medical institutions and government agencies across North America. Our scanning bureau has production-grade equipment to meet large-scale document scanning requirements.

#2 Check that your scanning company guarantees a secure chain of custody

A reputed document scanning company follows processes that ensure quality control and security. Your documents are transported in a secure chain of custody from your office to the scanning facility. When you partner with RDS for your scanning requirements, we maintain the confidentiality of your data and documents. The secure chain of custody starts from the moment we pick up your documents to the time we deliver the digitized files to you and either return, store or shred the paper originals, based on your records management policies. We also ensure that regular data backups are scheduled and help you create a disaster recovery plan. 

#3 Use onsite scanning services to digitize sensitive or fragile paper documents

Do you have stringent regulations that prevent you from transporting documents outside your official premises? Onsite scanning means your documents never leave your premises, so you have complete control in ensuring the security of confidential information and any compliance regulations. We set up scanning equipment onsite and digitize your records at your location. 

#4 Go paperless—and stay that way—to save the environment! 

Use bulk scanning services to digitize thousands of archived legacy documents. Professional scanning services providers use high-speed, production-grade scanners to efficiently digitize vast volumes of documents as a one-time project. After that, you can use a day-forward scanning service to maintain a paperless state.

Intelligent data capture technologies combine advanced machine learning with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to eliminate manual data entry and automatically identify information for data extraction.

Digital mailroom services are another boon for companies transitioning to a remote, paperless workplace by scanning documents as they enter your organization. 

#5 Digitize to secure

Which do you think is easier to secure—paper documents or digital files? While there's no easy answer to this, digitization indeed provides you with the opportunity to enable several layers of security, including password protection, encryption, redaction, access control, audit trails, and the ability to meet industry-specific regulatory compliances such as HIPAA. Using a robust document management system and implementing information governance best practices allows you to use advanced security measures to protect your data.

#6 Implement a DMS with user access control and tracking

Advanced access control is crucial for ensuring information security. At RDS, after we scan documents, we route the digital files into a robust document management system of your choice. We then assign role-based access to your employees, ensuring that only those with authorized access can view or edit digital documents. The DMS can trace who accesses which files and what changes are made to the files by each user. These audit trails mitigate the risk of data theft and data loss. 

OpenText AppEnhancer is a powerful enterprise content management system that features secure, integrated document capture, storage, retrieval and retention. Talk to our AppEnhancer expert consultants to understand how it can help you secure your digitized documents. 

Turn to RDS for secure scanning solutions

Whether you need secure document scanning for a county clerk’s office, bulk scanning of medical records or high-speed scanning of vast volumes of legacy oil and gas records, turn to RDS to achieve your digital transformation goals.

Our scanning facilities are equipped with 24-hour surveillance, enhanced security alarms, smoke detection alert systems, temperature control, and everything you need to keep your documents secure and achieve total peace of mind! 

We will survey your existing paper-based business processes and provide a secure scanning solution to transform how your business manages its records.

Contact the RDS team of experts for a free quote for secure scanning solutions today.

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