Revolution Data Systems

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The Vision for ApplicationXtender is Clear

Late in 2016, in its seemingly never-ending shopping spree, OpenText (OT) added a few more “toys” to its collection with the purchase of EMC’s Enterprise Content Division. Documentum was the primary reason for the purchase, but there were other products in the portfolio that had value. Upon unpacking its haul, OT discovered a few stowaways that turned out to be hidden treasures. The belle of this ball happened to be ApplicationXtender (AX), a robust yet affordable content management system deployed thousands of times with a loyal customer base. To boot, the product has a global channel of partners backing it.

As a member of said channel, I have been patiently waiting for news about OT’s plan for AX. Initial word was that they were going to continue investing in the product. That sounded like lip service, but I remained optimistic since AX was now owned by a software company. The possibility of the product finally getting the love it deserved was a possible outcome.

Yesterday I sat in on a roadmap discussion with the product team from OT. Much to my delight, the OT team has breathed new life into the product. Not only did they hold true to the existing roadmap, they’ve added lots of features that customers have been asking for. I was truly blown away at what is coming down the pipe for AX. The vision for the product is crystal clear and I cannot wait to show it to our clients in the coming months!

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