Why outsource document scanning?

Why outsource document scanning?

Outsourced document scanning is usually favored for large back-file scanning projects. An experienced document scanning provider can convert your paper-based business processes into digital workflows that reduce the burdens associated with managing paper documents. Outsourcing is typically faster and less expensive than managing a large digitization project in-house because of the equipment, space, and expertise necessary to convert to electronic files.

Like any business problem, sometimes it makes more sense to pay a reputable firm to perform a task that you could probably handle yourself. Think about other services you outsource like office cleaning and landscaping. You could buy the materials and equipment to do these jobs, but who is going to do it and how good of a job are they going to do?

When does outsourcing document scanning make the most sense?

Not all companies should outsource their scanning. Here are a few things to consider when making the decision. 

You have a lot of paper to scan

If you only have a few banker’s boxes or file drawers of paper, it probably makes sense to buy a desktop scanner for a few hundred bucks and scan the documents in-house. If you have a file room of paper documents that you need access to, it definitely makes sense to explore outsourcing. If the majority of your documents are “active” - accessed frequently - outsourcing is the way to go. “Inactive” files are less urgent since you don’t access them very often, but should still be scanned if you need to clear out space or if they contain sensitive information that could land you in legal trouble. 

You create a lot of paperwork

For companies that generate a small flow of documents, scanning documents can easily be plugged into your workflow to prevent a logjam in your file room. It can also make sense to DIY if you produce a high volume of documents if you are interested in setting up your own scanning bureau. If a lot of your paperwork arrives in the mail, you can also outsource the scanning of incoming mail with a digital mailroom provider

Your workers are too busy

Some companies utilize in-house staff during non-peak hours to back scan their documents. If your employees don’t have a lot of time to allocate to your paperless initiative, they might lurch at the thought of extra work, or worse -  their performance of core activities might suffer. If you are considering hiring new workers to perform the scanning, put pen to paper to calculate the cost of DIY vs outsourcing. 

Recommended Reading: How much does it cost to scan a box of records?

You don’t own high-volume scanners

Most offices have a scanner or two for routine scanning and printing, but these machines are not built for bulk scanning projects. Purchasing a mid-volume or high-volume production scanner and document capture software can cost you thousands of dollars. If you are thinking about setting up your own scanning bureau, take a look at Canon’s production scanners. We are big fans!

When you are setting up a document management system

If your business is ready to efficiently manage its records, a DMS is a great move. To realize the true value of your system, you’ll want to upload your backfile of documents and make them accessible to end-users. An experienced document scanning vendor can make sure your documents are formatted and indexed correctly for data imports. 

You need to account for costs

One look at a scanning quote tells you exactly how much you’ll be spending and how long it will take to scan your documents. Scanning companies are designed to efficiently manage scanning projects. 

The choice is yours

Your decision to go paperless is a great one! How you get there depends on a number of factors like budget, timeline, and space. 

We provide scanning services to offices across the US and would be glad to answer any questions you might have as you work toward a digital future. Feel free to reach out by filling out the form on our contact page or calling us directly at 985-888-0091.